Fleshlight Fleshwash & Renewing Powder

While it is still possible to clean your Fleshlight with more readily available products, such as rubbing alcohol, many people weren’t satisfied with the results such as the smell and other things. So, as they always do, the folks at Fleshlight came up with their own solution to the problem: The Fleshlight Fleshwash!
All you need to do is wash out your Fleshlight as your normally would, by running it under warm water, then spray some Fleshwash on the inside and outside, and allow it to air dry. The active anti-bacterial ingredient is Triclosan, and as I mentioned earlier it doesn’t have the smell that usually comes along with rubbing alcohol and similar anti-bacterial products.

Fleshlight Fleshwash picture

You can BUY Fleshlight Fleshwash HERE!

The other maintenance product you can buy is the Fleshlight Renewing Powder – otherwise known as plain old cornstarch – which makes it one of the less useful things you could spend your money on. But if for some reason you can’t get your hands on some cornstarch at your local shops, then I guess this is the way to go. After many uses, your Fleshlight may start to lose that soft feeling, this will help to renew your Fleshlight by giving it back the softness it had the first time you used it.

Fleshlight Renewing Powder picture

You can BUY Fleshlight Renewing Powder HERE!